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Mass & Reconciliation
Weekly Schedule
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil - 5:00PM
Sunday - 8:00AM, 10:30AM,
12:30PM (en Español)
*The 10:30AM and 12:30PM Masses are livestreamed via Facebook and YouTube.
1st Saturday Mass - 10:00AM
Weekday Mass Schedule
Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri - 12:00PM
Wednesday School Mass - 8:10AM
*During the school year, we ask that you kindly sit in the balconies or cry rooms to offer priority seating to IOPCS students.
Thursday - 9:00AM & 7:00PM (en Español)
Reconciliation Schedule
Friday 10:30AM - 12PM
Saturday 2PM - 4PM
*Or by appointment: 910-347-4196
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