Perpetual Adoration
Contacts & Resources

"Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."
Matthew 28:20
"The Church and the world have great need of Eucharistic adoration. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and contemplation full of faith." Pope Saint John Paul II
The Adoration Chapel is open to the public from 8am to dusk. The chapel is located through the backdoor of the church at 210 N Marine Blvd. To inquire about designated adoration hours, see the Hourly Coordinators below.
Hourly Coordinators
Contact the coordinator of the time-slot you are interested in.
Midnight to 6AM:
Maureen, 910-353-0085 0r 910-336-9359
6AM to Noon:
Carrie, 928-606-4169
Noon to 6PM:
Robert, 910-320-7852
6PM to Midnight
Madeline, 910-577-5198 or 910-389-0764
Adoration Resources
From the Diocese of Raleigh​