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Infant of Prague Catholic Church

Notes from Fr. Vic

Pastor's Page

"My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

John 10:27

March 23, 2025

Two thoughts for our Lenten Journey during the week after the “Third Sunday of Lent.”


1. Readings (Matthew 7:7-12) and Esther 12:14-16, 23-25)



-Asking, seeking, knocking: Those who genuinely love us want to give us what we need, so certainly God, who loves us, is going to give us exactly what we need. Be bold and ask.  God will hear us when we pray in the name of Jesus.


God answers every prayer:

-We either receive an answer right away, when the timing is right, or not at all because what we ask for isn’t what we really need.


-I have found through prayer: the more I speak to God, the more my desires are formed towards what is actually good for me, and draws me to God and Heaven.


Power of Prayer:

-Queen Esther: Jewish maiden in the Persian Diaspora / Through prayer and

witness / Instrument God uses to save His people.


2. From the Third Sunday of Lent: cycle C / (Luke 13:1-9)

The full homily can be found on the IOP FACEBOOK PAGE live streaming of the 10:30 AM Mass on March 23, 2025.


--The Parable of the “Barren Fig Tree”:  We see God’s patience contrasted with the urgency to respond to the call of conversion and repentance. We find the tree has been without fruit for 3 years and the gardener pleads for 1 more year before the tree is cut down. Our Lord is patient and merciful, but time is of essence.


The Barren Fig Tree reminds us that:

-When we replace God with ourselves, we wonder why our lives have become barren and meaningless. We wonder: where is the fruit of life?


-God is patient, but be careful to think I am more righteous than others. As Jesus explains, the good and the bad will all experience suffering and death (We are all sinners in need of repentance).


-The tragic events and death mentioned are to get our attention to repent and turn back to God’s loving mercy and forgiveness today!  Our Lord is telling us: please come to me immediately when you are struggling or fall. Repent and do not put off Conversion. That is why I give you the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).


Vivat Jesus,

Father Vic Gournas

Older Messages:


​March 16, 2025: Second Sunday of Lent

March 9, 2025: First Sunday of Lent

March 2, 2025: Approaching Ash Wednesday

February 23, 2025: Pointing to the Cross

February 16, 2025: Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

February 9, 2025: Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

February 2, 2025: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

December 16, 2024: Third Week of Advent

December 11, 2024: Second Week of Advent

December 2, 2024: First Week of Advent

November 25, 2024: Thanksgiving Message

November 19, 2024: Happiness

November 14, 2024: Prayer for Elected Officials

October 28, 2024: Final thoughts before the 2024 election

October 14, 2024: During this Election Cycle...

October 7, 2024: On the Reality of Matrimony

October 1, 2024: Consecrating the Election to the Blessed Virgin Mary

September 23, 2024: Becoming Child Like

September 17, 2024: The blind leading the blind

September 9, 2024: Let Down Your Nets

August 26, 2024: Bread of Life, Conclusion

August 19, 2024: Bread of Life Discourse Part 2

August 12, 2024: Bread of Life Discourse Part 1

August 5, 2024: Five Loaves and Two Fish

July 23, 2024: Scrupulosity

July 9, 2024: Pulling Up Repetitive Sin by the Roots

July 2, 2024: "Little Girl, Arise"

June 25, 2024: Homily Notes, Jesus Calms the Storm at Sea

June 18, 2024: The Parable of the Mustard Seed

June 3, 2024: Corpus Christi

May 29, 2024: 6 Tips to Overcome Pride

May 20, 2024: Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary

May 15, 2024: The Ascension

May 6, 2024: The Eucharist


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