The Mass
Schedule & Etiquette

“Since Christ himself has said, 'This is my Body,' who shall dare to doubt that it is his Body?”
St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday - 5:00PM
Sunday - 8:00AM, 10:30AM,
12:30PM (en Español)
*The 10:30AM and 12:30PM Masses are livestreamed via Facebook and YouTube.
1st Saturday Mass - 10:00AM
Weekday Mass Schedule
Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri - 12:00PM
Wednesday School Mass - 8:10AM
*During the school year, we ask that you kindly sit in the balconies or cry rooms to offer priority seating to IOPCS students.
Thursday - 9:00AM & 7:00PM (en Español)
Mass Etiquette
We are obliged to observe a one-hour fast prior to receiving the Eucharist.
Please dress in a manner that is respectful of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Arrive for Mass on time, allowing time to quiet yourself and prepare to receive the Lord.
Please turn off or silence all cell phones prior to entering the Church.
Men and boys, kindly remove hats or caps before the Lord.
Make the Sign of the Cross with holy water upon entering the Church. This sacramental action calls to mind our Baptism.
Genuflect facing the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle before entering your pew as a sign of reverence to our Eucharistic Lord. If unable to genuflect, a heartfelt bow is acceptable.
In the absence of ushers, we ask that you kindly help us fill the pews by moving to the middle of the row when you take a seat.
Please practice prayerful silence and refrain from unnecessary talking. Hospitality is offered after Sunday Masses in the Parish Hall.
Join in singing your praises to the Lord during the liturgy. Song numbers are displayed on lighted signs to the right and left of the altar.
Listen intently to the readings, this is one way the Lord can speak to you.
The voices of babies and young children during the Mass are a sign of a vibrant parish and remind us of Christ's imperative to let the little children come to him. If your child should become upset and require extra attention to be calmed, please feel free to step out or make use of our cry rooms. These rooms are intended to offer a space where parents can continue to participate in the Mass while tending to their child’s needs.
Catholics receive Holy Communion with reverence, calling to mind the reality of Christ’s Presence in this Sacrament. You may receive either on the tongue or in your hand, kneeling or standing. When the priest or minister says "Body of Christ", we profess our faith in the Real Presence by responding with an audible "amen". If you choose to receive the Body of Christ in your hand, please consume immediately before walking away. As a sign of reverence, you may bow or genuflect before receiving Holy Communion. Make the Sign of the Cross after reception.
If you have not yet been received into the Catholic Church, please refrain from receiving Holy Communion. We invite you to pray with us for the union of all Christians at this time. Information about becoming Catholic can be found on our RCIA page.
If you are in a state of mortal sin, please refrain from receiving the Body of our Lord until you have made a good Confession and received absolution. Confession times are listed on the Reconciliation page. We invite you to pray an act of Spiritual Communion at this time.
After receiving the Eucharist, return to your seat and pray silently. An appropriate prayer for this time is the Anima Christi.
The Mass concludes with the final blessing, please remain in your place until the Mass is ended.
You may exit the church after the celebrant has completed the recessional procession. Please note that during Lent there is no recessional hymn and we exit in silence.
Be sure to take all your belongings and leave the pew and missal ready for the next Mass participant.
Thank you for celebrating with us!