Liturgical Music
Bis orat qui cantat | He who sings, prays twice.
-Saint Augustine of Hippo (attributed)
"Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when it is celebrated in song, with the ministers of each degree fulfilling their ministry and the people participating in it. "(SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL: MUSICAM SACRAM)
Infant of Prague offers a variety of opportunities to praise God in the liturgy through music:
Gregorian Chant Choir: Learn traditional hymns and practice the fundamentals of this ancient art which "the Church acknowledges...as specially suited to the Roman liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium)." Beginners are welcome!
Contact Dom Dalmasso at domdalmasso@gmail.com for information. This choir ministers at the 10:30am Sunday Mass.
Learn the Mass parts in Latin here! This playlist was compiled by the Gregorian Chant director. You can also print the Mass parts below.
English Choir: This choir meets Tuesdays at 6:00PM to prepare for the Liturgy. You're welcome to join us! Contact Dolly Grosskopf at
sgrosskopf@ec.rr.com for more information.
Coro Español Spanish Choir: ¡Únase a nosotros mientras damos gloria a Dios a través del canto! El coro español sirve en la Misa Dominical de las 12:30PM. Comuníquese con Jesús Martínez al chumanny@yahoo.com or 787-478-3740 para obtener más información.
Coro Joven Español Spanish Youth Choir: El coro juvenil español ofrece música en la primera misa en español del mes. Póngase en contacto con Jesús Martínez para más información. Comuníquese con Jesús Martínez al chumanny@yahoo.com or 787-478-3740 para obtener más información.
Practice Schedule
Choir practices take place in the Choir Loft at 210 N Marine Blvd.
Gregorian Chant Choir:​
Wednesday, 6:00PM
English Choir:
Tuesdays, 6:00PM
Coro Español:
Miércoles, 7:00PM