Life Runners
“REMEMBER The Unborn - Jer 1:5”
The Life Runners are a nation-wide organization of runners and walkers who take the pro-life message to the streets. We begin and end every meet-up with prayer, bearing in mind that 82% of post-abortive women feel they would have chosen life if they had received encouragement.
Join us for our next meet-up!
2nd and Last Saturday of the month
Lejeune Memorial Gardens
Join the Jacksonville Huddle:
Contact Erin:
Life Runner Creed
We believe in the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
We run as a Prayer, to defend children in the womb, so that they may be born and united with our Christian community.
We run to build Endurance, for the race is long and we must keep our eyes fixed on You Lord.
We run for Awareness, so our culture will view all human life as a reflection of Your glory Lord.
We run for Charity, to provide support for mothers and fathers tempted to abort their child, and healing support for post-abortion women, men, and families.
We run to End abortion, for Christ died so that all may live. Guard us all, born and unborn, with Your PEACE, Lord. For in You, life is victorious.
We pray and run in Your name, JESUS CHRIST. Amen.